How many times have you been in a shoot and run out of poses? This 2 hour class led by nationally acclaiimed pro photographer and Olympus Visionary Tracie Jean Maglosky will be a workshop atmosphere so bring your gear! Using male and female models, you’ll learn how to set up poses for both male and female clients as well as couples. We’ll also cover flash photography and how to direct light for best results. This will be a very rhythmic posing experience and will offer tips for beginner to pro level photographers. Never run out of poses again!
This presentation is free, but please RSVP soon as space is limited and will fill up fast. Though Tracie's appearance at The Camera Shop is part of a 3-day event, "Celebrating Women in Photography," guys are welcome to attend, too.
A wine and cheese reception for Tracie Jean Maglosky will follow this workshop from 7:00-8:00pm. Ladies: please remember to sign up for our free raffle drawings; winners' names will be drawn every 15 minutes from 7:00 to 8:00pm.