COFTP San Francisco Trip with Olympus Visionaries and Super Fans...
Once every year, the Olympus Corporation gathers all of the Visionaries on the American Visionary Team for a Summit. This year we had the opportunity to have a San Francisco trip with the Olympus Visionaries and Olympus Super Fans! What an amazing weekend! Surrounded by some of my favorite people and epic photographers, we stormed San Fran and visited such amazing places as Alcatraz Island, Land's End, Fisherman's Wharf, The Mission District, Graffiti Alley and the Golden Gate Bridge.
The following is a collection of images that I took documenting a bit about the trip and the wonderful people who made it so amazing. A huge thanks to Olympus, my fellow Visionaries, the Mullen team, and all of the Superfans for such an epic time!!!
Adam Favre - Instagram
Dehan Davis - Dehan Davis Photography
IG: @dehandavisphotography
Frank Kendralla - Kendralla Photography
IG: @thedrfrank
Megan Crandlemere - 52 Magic Mondays
IG: @megancrandlemirephotography
Matthew Quinn - Facebook
Reba Baskett - Reba Baskett Photography
IG: @rebabaskett
Victoria Diaz - Vic's Pics
IG: @Vickied303
Jeffery McPheeters - Instagram
Jeff Sweet - Jeff Sweet Photography
Jerry James - IG: @Skeetown Jay
Nam Ing - Nam's Photos