The Importance of Including Your First Baby in Your Maternity Session by Cincinnati Maternity Photographer Tracie Jean Photo
The Importance of Including Your First Baby in Your Maternity Session by Cincinnati Maternity Photographer Tracie Jean Photo
The second pregnancy can bring up a wild range of emotions & fears. Moms often worry about being able to give enough attention and love to both children or about how the first child will bond with the new sibling. Many moms experience anxiety about the first child's attachment and potential behavior changes. Including your first child in your maternity session is incredibly important. Here’s why:
By involving your first child, you send a strong message of inclusion and togetherness. It helps them feel that they are an integral part of the family and the new baby’s life from the very beginning.
Photos that include your first child during a maternity session often carry a deeper emotional resonance. They showcase the joy, excitement, and love that the family shares as they prepare to welcome a new member.
The maternity session marks a significant milestone not just for you but for your first child as well. It documents their journey from being an only child to becoming an older sibling, which is an important part of their personal story.
Involving your first child in the maternity session can help them adjust to the idea of having a new sibling. It makes the concept more tangible and real, easing any potential anxieties about the upcoming changes. There is some awesome advice here from the Cleveland Clinic!