Michael Braxton's Senior Portrait Session by Cincinnati High School Senior Photographer Tracie Jean Photo Studios
Cincinnati high school senior photographers Tracie Jean Photo.
We had the pleasure of working with Michael, track star attending Wilson Hall High School, in a number of location in and around the studio.
One of the coolest spots is the gated alley directly behind the building. Michael wanted a downtown city feel in some of his images and this unobstructed spot proved to be a perfect spot to pull off some expressive shots.
The studio is located just a few blocks from Findlay Market and Washington Park. We made sure to visit the park for some outdoor shooting at the bandstand and the benches nearby. At Michael’s request, we made sure to keep the shots tight and decided not to include a lot of foliage in the images. One of the best ways to keep images timeless and usable all season is to exclude seasonal changes in foliage such as blooming flowers as well as budding or fall colored trees.
Did I mention he is a track star? Check out the images we captured in studio with red gels, dramatic lighting and a little smoke. One thing you can expect when you work with Tracie Jean Photo is a number of creative shots that show personality. If you’re headed into your senior year of High School… Congratulations! Give us a call or simple click the button below to schedule your own complimentary High School Senior Portrait Consultation with Tracie.