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Hey Photographers – Headshot Photography is DOA! Why Personal and Business Branding Strategies are the Future of Photography in 2024

As a professional photographer and business branding veteran of over 20 years here in Cincinnati, Ohio, I’ve seen the industry shift dramatically in recent years, especially for those working in the entertainment industry. Traditional headshot photography is dead on arrival (DOA). The game has changed, and if you’re not focusing on personal branding and business branding strategies in 2024, you’re missing the boat.

Moni (Jasmine) Guo contacted our studio looking to update her look with something a little less than traditional. We started with a no cost or commitment consultation to gain a better idea of what would best serve her in images. We quickly learned that creativity was paramount.

Composer Guo Mo Ni: Fusion and development, solving problems with music

as seen in Forbes China Lifestyle & Entertainment October 24, 2023

This is where we started. Everyone is comfortable with the traditional headshot power pose right? Although the lighting and background are less than traditional, the pose it what you would expect. Arms crossed, chin straight toward the camera with an inviting smile. THIS is our break the ice moment as we move towards deeper meaning and emotion.

Not to say the traditional pose is not welcomed, on the contrary. Images like this have value and can be used to introduce a lighthearted blog or social media post. However, when you only have a moment to capture the attention of the viewer, the images that follow will be far more useful.

Your 2024 Strategy

If you want to grow your photography business and capture high-profile clients in Cincinnati’s entertainment industry, focus on becoming a branding expert. Here's how:

  1. Develop a personal branding package tailored to professionals in the entertainment sector, including behind-the-scenes images, candid lifestyle shots, and tailored branding content.

  2. Offer business branding sessions to help companies visually tell their story through strategic and authentic photography.

  3. Stay connected to the industry—network with entertainment professionals, understand their pain points, and become their go-to resource for personal and business branding imagery.

2024 is going to be all about storytelling. Headshot photography is dead, but personal and business branding strategies are thriving. Be the photographer who gives your clients the images that elevate their brand in the entertainment industry, and watch your own business soar.

Find Composer MONI JASMINE GUO on the web


Forbes Article
