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How to Have the Best 6 Month Milestone Sitter Session by Cincinnati Baby & Milestone Photographer Tracie Jean Photo

How to Have the Best 6 Month Milestone Sitter Session

The milestones of the first year of your baby’s life seem to fly by! We’ve created the very best way to have amazing milestone sessions for 6 month old Sitter Sessions, 9 month old Pull-up Sessions and One Year Cake Smash to Splash Sessions. Here are some of the things we’ve learned over 15 years of creating the cutest sessions of milestones for hundreds of babies in the Cincinnati area.

Preparing for the Session:

  1. Timing: Schedule the session around the baby's nap and feeding times to ensure they are well-rested and comfortable during the shoot.

  2. Outfit: Dress the baby in comfortable, cute, and age-appropriate clothing. Avoid outfits with busy patterns or logos that may distract from the baby's adorable features. We have tons of neutral options in the studio as well to make your session stunning!

  3. Props: Bring a few favorite toys or objects that the baby is familiar with to help keep them engaged and happy during the session. We’ll have an iPad handy for music or videos that your baby loves.

  4. Feeding: Have a feeding session just before the shoot to keep the baby content and happy. Hungry babies are rarely happy babies.

What to Expect During Your 6 Month Sitter Session:

  1. Warm-Up: We’ll allow your baby some time to adjust to the new surroundings and the photographer. Let the baby explore the studio space and get comfortable with the environment.

  2. Engage with the Baby: Your photographer & photographer’s assistant or parents can interact with the baby to elicit genuine expressions and reactions. Play peek-a-boo, make funny faces, play music or use favorite toys to capture those precious moments.

  3. Capture Milestones: At 6 months, babies start achieving significant milestones like sitting without support. We will focus on capturing these milestones and other developmental progressions.

  4. Safety First: Throughout the session, safety should be a top priority. We will ensure that props and equipment are secure, and as parents, you’ll be on standby to supervise your baby closely.

Advice for Parents about Teething & Stranger Danger:


  1. Signs of Teething: Look out for signs of teething, such as excessive drooling, irritability, swollen gums, and putting objects in the mouth.

  2. Teething Relief: Provide safe teething toys or clean, chilled objects (like a teething ring) for the baby to chew on. This can help soothe their sore gums. Bring your prefered teething relief meds to the session. We highly recommend Highland’s Teething Tabs.

  3. Gentle Pressure: Gently massaging the baby's gums with a clean finger can also provide some relief.

Stranger Danger:

  1. Gradual Introduction: We’ll make sure to introduce ourselves gradually and in a calm manner to your baby. We’ll allow them to observe from a safe distance and let them decide when they feel comfortable with an approaching new person. Sometimes for these milestones we use a telephoto lens so that we are a fair distance away so that your baby feels safe.

  2. Parental Presence: Stay close to your baby during the photo session to provide them with a sense of security. Your comforting presence will help them feel at ease. Often parents sit with their baby just out of frame of the camera and play and interact so that baby feels safe.

  3. Be Patient: Stranger danger is a normal phase of development. We’ll be patient with your baby! We understand this phase and have been taking stunning, smiley milestone pictures for over 15 years.

Every baby is unique, and they may react differently to new experiences. We trust your instincts as a parent and prioritize your baby's comfort and well-being throughout the milestone sitter session. You know what is best!